Thursday, September 07, 2006

*You have to start sometime...*

My blog is up and running!
I suppose I should introduce myself a bit, here goes(gulp).

1) My name is Stephanie DosReis and I am an artist, a mother and wife.
2) I just started selling my artwork on Etsy.
3) I live just south of Boston, Ma (you will never hear me say "pahc da cah in havad yad")
4) I graduated with a BFA in Textile Design
5) I have an affinity for all thing tree-like
6) I don't believe in video games but I do believe in santa
7) I was born on Christmas day

It all started when Amanda gave me the link to Design Sponge. I have been devouring all the wonderful blogs since.Who knew there was so much great stuff to read and look at? I'm ashamed to admit it but I didn't even know what a blog really was until this past febuary.
P.S. I live under a rock.

Thanks to Emilyand Meg I finally gained enough courage to start a blog all my own.
I vow to never just "lurk" again!


At 10:48 AM, Blogger pixiegenne said...

yippee! congrats on the new blog!

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome, welcome! be careful, blogging is addictive, i've discovered! yours is cute, i'll be back!


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