Friday, September 22, 2006

ever feel like this?

I must admit I am very new to all this blog stuff but do any of you ever wonder who your writing too? I mean sometimes I feel like maybe I'm not so interesting enough to write to other people about my life. I wonder if what I say matters or if anyone is accually reading. Hmmm...feeling a bit low today is all.
I don't have much time to post anything spectacular and mind-blowing. I'll just leave you all with a little sweetness courtesy of Gabe.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hedgie love...

mrs.Tiggywinkle, originally uploaded by Ponies & Sugar Cookies.

In lieu of all the hedgie wonderfulness I have see out there lately I thought I would post this "police report" about a hedgie I used to know and love:

Subject was last seen in '84 near the basement playroom. She was suspected of hiding out in the attic for some time, but we have new information that she is resisting cuddles in the butternut squash patch. She is showing signs of scuffles with the locals. Subject is missing a hand and is favoring it's right foot from bouts with some nasty moths. Subject is without clothing except for a bonnet and is suspected to be in need of love . Once apprehended she is to serve time in the washing machine

Meet Fauna!

fauna the deer, originally uploaded by Ponies & Sugar Cookies.

This is the third "stuffie" I have ever made. From a pattern I made up in my head. You see I am a self-taught sewer and I just go and do things how I think they ought to be done, I rarely follow directions and plow right into something. That usually irritated my mother when I was little. The other two stuffies were little starfish with embroidered features, cute and veeeery simple. I thought I would take it up a notch (be it a small notch).

I am in the process of making a friend for her and hopefully I will post them both in the shop. I have a feeling I might get reeeeally into this.

Don't get me wrong I love painting and sewing onesies and t-shirts...But this is something new and super fun!
I hope you all like!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Little boxes on a hillside...

Where we Live, originally uploaded by Ponies & Sugar Cookies.

I am totally obsessed with the Showtime series "weeds". I think it's brilliant and witty and just perfect. There is a theme song called "little boxes" that is played at the opening before every show. This season it's being done by different artists like Engelbert Humperdinck and Death Cab for Cutie.

ANYWAYS...I have always been interested in painting cityscapes

but this song has totally inspired me to go a bit more suburban and here are a few finished works inspired by the song.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Who needs fancy toys?

David and I have toys for Gabriel don't get me wrong but seriously...Gabe isn't always fascinated by all that jazz. Sometimes all he wants is a cardboard box to chew on. I'm mean come on...I let him play in his pack n' play will all these neato toys and I comeback and he's chewing on his bib staring at our pet birds.

It makes me wonder about all the money spent by parents every year on "learning toys". Why do we feel the need that our children be able to do calculus by kindergarten and read Mein Kampf by age 8? I find it all so bizarre. I mean...what did all the kids do before this generation that didn't have "learning toys"?
I'll tell you what they did...they played outside in the sun or the rain and yes even the cold. We drew and painted and used something I think most kids today don't have very much of anymore...imagination. I say banish those video games and those educational videos and scoot their little butts outside and even better... give your kids a box and see what they come up with.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Blocks in progress....*

The wonderful Robert has asked me to make a set of large baby blocks for his shop. I am SO excited!

They are all still coming along and they don't look too pretty yet but I'll be sure to keep ya'll posted! I have high hopes for these babies.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Oh small stump I love you so...*

I love mail!
I just got this yesterday and has to show you all the new man (er, stump) in my life. Meet small stump, the cutest and most polite stump you'll ever meet!

It was all packaged so nicely and I am wondering where the got that great tree sticker...I feel that I need some of my own.Lia and jill are super sweet and everyone should go visit their shop before everything goes!
Thanks Lia and Jill!

Just a little sweetness....

I was sorting through my pictures today and came across this....
Gabriel makes me smile and laugh all the time, he is such a sweet and laid-back little soul(most-of-the-time). The cute rabbit which he LOVES was a trade I did a looong time ago with Dawn. In return for the bunny she got something like this.

technical issues

I'm having trouble posting picture and I'm ready to rip my hair out and use another bloggin site altogether. Grrrrr.

I hope to have this all figured out soon!

Monday, September 11, 2006

From the depths of the attic...*

The family went over to my mom and stepdad's house last night for a fantastic dinner of spitfired chicken, grilled green beans and yummy potato and egg salad. Heaven! We played a few rowdy games of Sequence and then back to our house for bedtime. They most fun for me was before dinner. I pawed around in the attic and found a few goodies I just HAD to share for you! Here is the first installment...

How cute is this hand-made farm set complete with a barn-shaped carrying bag. I remember playing with this ALL the time when I was little...Especially the green horse whose poor nose was viciously chewed. They all survived and are now to be played with by my little Gabriel who will also enjoy drooling on them.

p.s. dosen't the mouse look like it's wearing a business suit?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

1 tomato, 2 tomato, 3 tomato...Squash*

Soooo...I did start the garden late this year(July). There was just TOO much rain in June. I have so many tomatoes and they are huge mind you but they are all mostly green. So I have resigned myself to picking a few green ones off at a time and putting them in a brown paper bag to ripen. .
My dreams of giving away canned tomatoes from Christmas might be dashed but I'm still least the peas and butternut squash are doing well

Thursday, September 07, 2006

*You have to start sometime...*

My blog is up and running!
I suppose I should introduce myself a bit, here goes(gulp).

1) My name is Stephanie DosReis and I am an artist, a mother and wife.
2) I just started selling my artwork on Etsy.
3) I live just south of Boston, Ma (you will never hear me say "pahc da cah in havad yad")
4) I graduated with a BFA in Textile Design
5) I have an affinity for all thing tree-like
6) I don't believe in video games but I do believe in santa
7) I was born on Christmas day

It all started when Amanda gave me the link to Design Sponge. I have been devouring all the wonderful blogs since.Who knew there was so much great stuff to read and look at? I'm ashamed to admit it but I didn't even know what a blog really was until this past febuary.
P.S. I live under a rock.

Thanks to Emilyand Meg I finally gained enough courage to start a blog all my own.
I vow to never just "lurk" again!